Objective Guidance

We strive to provide plan sponsors with pertinent information, compliance friendly solutions, and the potential to reduce costs while enhancing investment opportunities and helping participants achieve financial security.

Our core Platform/Services includes:

  • Investment Scorecard System – superior fund monitoring
  • B3 Provider Analysis – on demand RFP/Benchmarking reports
  • Fiduciary Fitness Program – complete ERISA compliance benchmarking
  • Fiduciary Briefcase – virtual plan information storage portal
  • Education and Communication – Retirement readiness

Fee Benchmarking and Vendor Search

When was the last time you evaluated your current plan provider? Benefit Planning Specialist, Inc. will do a thorough review of your current provider’s services including administrative, recordkeeping, compliance, website/statements, service management, and employee communication services. In addition, we will complete a total cost analysis, including revenue sharing, and compare this information to other providers to determine if fees are reasonable. We will provide you with detailed reports about possible vendors that may be better suited to your needs and assist you with making an appropriate decision.

Investment Analysis

Choosing and monitoring the appropriate investments offered in your plan is a serious fiduciary task, as it can impact a participant’s retirement experience. At Benefit Planning Specialist, Inc., we are committed to providing independent investment analysis and staying ahead and on top of your fiduciary responsibility. With the tools available through RPAG, we can evaluate investments based on a number of quantitative and qualitative factors and recommend fund additions, deletions, and replacements – ultimately helping  you improve plan value and enhance investment opportunities for your participants.

Fiduciary Guidance

As a fiduciary, recent DOL and IRS regulations and increased scrutiny, requires plan sponsors to gather and understand the relevant fee information so as to make informed decisions.  It is with this obligation in mind that we have partnered with Retirement Plan Advisory Services to assist plan sponsors properly evaluate the information disclosed in the required Fee Notices from the plan’s key providers. We utilize an independent compliance tool called the Fiduciary Fitness Program™ (FFP) to measure the health of a retirement plan. This program provides resources as a means to identifying potential weaknesses in your plan and remedy through education, diligence, and process. Key components include a Fiduciary Report Card™, Fiduciary Plan Review™, and Client Reference Guide.

Education and Communication

Statistics indicate that many employees today are not saving enough for their retirement and are not investing appropriately. Without an increase in education and advice, the majority of your plan participants will most likely fall financially short at retirement. Benefit Planning Specialist, Inc. is committed to maximizing benefits for plan participants through group and individual education meetings, employee communication strategies, asset allocation and investment guidance, education modules, and employee memos. We will deliver this information in a way that is easy for your participants to understand and intended to help them achieve their retirement goals.

Contact Us

Phone: 402-466-5109

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Benefit Planning Specialist